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Artista : Abraham Kerstin



Altezza (cm): 168

Larghezza (cm): 352

Peso (kg): 30

Materia e tecnica: newspapers, white guache, black edding, glass or plastic framing plates, industrial made, manufactural made, handmade by the artist industrial print and glaze+overglaze painting, manufactural underglaze with artists handmade engobe painting, artists handmade fayence painting original black clay drawings (3D) with black transparency glaze All finishes e-kiln, different temperatures

Anno di completamento: 2019

Side specific wall installation, exclusive for Faenza 2020

Size: netto 3,52 long / 1,68 high(by respecting the given max. size) there is plain white wall around needed. (the final format l/h depends on space situation).

The work has different layers:
1.newspaper on ground, glueed pieces of newspaper on to make the painting ground perfect.
2. ink drawings on newspaper (the patterns) over the painting ground.
3. added by the painted plates and modeled shining black clay drawings (3D).
The work is about relationship between Drawing/Painting and using the original icons as Ornament/Decoration/Pattern. When becomes a drawing a pattern? Am I an artist when I paint plates? paper? What is original Painting? The work is about all day live. How can I find a visualization about all day live works? The drawings (chosen fro a more then 500 pages sample book I did ) is applicated to ceramic painting grounds (plates) in many variations (I have to choose from for the composition) made by different ceramic technologies (from handmade thrown on the weel by the artist to historical industrial ware with transfers print underneath). There is a large number of plates in the background to find that ones who fit in the unique composition.

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