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The period of new educators

Group : Mikaso Tamago



Height (cm): 25 (cad/each)

Width (cm): 25 (cad/each)

Depth (cm): 8 (cad/each)

Material: porcellana, porcellana nera, argilla refrattaria, vetro, specchio, pannelli di legno, colle / porcelain, black porcelain, fireclay, glass, mirror, wood board, glues

Technique: Each glass case contains handmade porcelain panels that translate into three dimensions. They are made by pressing, casting, sprinkling and many other interventions and form the macro details of porcelain paintings

Year of completion: 2022

Il progetto esamina i cambiamenti formativi, strutturali e concettuali susseguiti nella ceramica contemporanea: rapporto innovativo, interdisciplinare, interattivo con lo spettatore. La ceramica viene combinata con altri materiali e possibilità di applicazione, spesso in proporzioni inimmaginabili.

This project examines the formative, structural and conceptual changes that followed in the contemporary ceramics: innovative, interdisciplinary, interactive relationship with the viewer. Ceramics is combined with other materials and application possibilities, often in unimaginable proportions

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