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Courtyard Twilight Series IV

Artist : Bao Wei



Height (cm): 75

Width (cm): 250

Depth (cm): 11

Weight (kg): 24

Material: stoneware wood porcelain stoneware

Technique: This work is formed through multi layer throwing. Its difficulty lies in controlling the center point between multiple concentric circles, and separating two different directions of clay on the concentric circles to press them into a plane, making the work more colorful and varied in vision.

Year of completion: 2022


Other awards

Faenza UNDER 35 Award


I cerchi concentrici suggeriscono una tipologia di architettura tradizionale della Cina meridionale che fa riferimento alla coesione familiare. Una architettura che sta scomparendo sotto la pressione dell’urbanizzazione. questa forma astratta di architettura diviene creazione ceramica. La simbologia architettonica dei cerchi concentrici prende forma grazie a due materiali architettonici principali, il legno e il loess (limo e argilla). L’opera racconta il rapporto dei popoli antichi con la natura, la sopravvivenza grazie alla loro saggezza e all’equilibrio tra l’uomo e natura. scienza, tecnologia e costumi popolari si fondono, riflettendo sull’armonia tra l’umanità e la natura.


The concentric circles suggest a type of traditional architecture in southern China that refers to family cohesion. An architecture that is disappearing under the pressure of urbanisation. This abstract form of architecture becomes a ceramic creation. The architectural symbolism of concentric circles takes shape thanks to two main architectural materials, wood and loess (silt and clay). The work narrates the relationship of ancient peoples with nature, their survival through their wisdom and the balance between man and nature. Science, technology and folk customs come together, reflecting on the harmony between mankind and nature.

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