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Artist : Ballis Kosmas



Height (cm): 27

Width (cm): 33

Depth (cm): 32

Weight (kg): 8

Material: porcellana, grès, resina epossidica, allumina / porcelain, stoneware, epoxy-resin, alumina

Technique: I cut ceramic tiles for this sculpture which are made of stoneware, porcelain and earthenware. I carefully assemble all of the parts with the help of the strong alumina 'rings'. Everything is carefully balanced and thoughtfully placed (arranged) just like a floral bouquet. The poly resin allows me to transform a traditional material with known limitations (a kiln for example) and turn it into a sculptural body of work that has no physical boundaries. This is a process I developed while working in Jingdezhen, China.

Year of completion: 2022

L’opera è un’ode alla difficoltà di discernere la verità nel mondo contemporaneo, saturo di comunicazione e informazione. Porta lo spettatore a mettere in discussione la fonte e la validità delle informazioni che riceve, evidenziando la sfida di riconoscere fatti e opinioni spesso indistinguibili.

The sculpture is an ode to the difficulty of discerning truth in our current world, which is saturated with communication and information. It prompts the viewer to question the source and validity of the information they receive, highlighting the challenges of understanding facts and opinions often indistinguishable.

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