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Artist : Au Eliza



Height (cm): 48

Width (cm): 48

Depth (cm): 48

Weight (kg): 15

Technique: The work was designed in RhinoCAD and then printed in PLA to create a prototype. A plaster air compression mold was made of this prototype to make lattice tiles which were hand built together. A thicker interior clay structure reinforces the outer, thinner lattice wall. I have been working with this process for about 5 years and it has evolved from more 2D constructions into more 3D, volumetric forms.

Year of completion: 2020



Il mio lavoro esplora la ricerca della solitudine. Creo forme che agiscono come linee nello spazio e modelli che si rispecchiano e si replicano a vicenda; le progettualità indagano come le decorazioni passate e contemporanee nell’architettura coinvolgano la sacralità dello spazio.

My work explores the search for solitude. I create forms that act as lines in space and patterns which mirror and replicate each other. The designs have a close relationship to historical ornament in cathedrals, mosques and temples

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