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Artist : Gonthier Laure



Height (cm): installation (variable dimension)

Width (cm): 25-45 (each); installation (variable dimension)

Depth (cm): 20-40 (each); installation (variable dimension)

Diameter (cm): variable

Material: porcelain, stoneware, terra sigillata, flocage

Technique: modeling

Work Status: restituita

This family of objects presented on a wall or on a large table measuring a total of 3 meters long and 1 meter wide. Each piece is between 45 and 25 cm long, and between 40 and 20 cm wide.
My work revolves around the idea of ??body and accessories. In my research I asked the body and its representation through objects / sculptures where inside and outside merge. I experimented and disorganized then rebuild on the basis of sensations.

Body and nature mingle and meet to create objects improbable; fetishes, sensual rituals or rocks, my work also discusses the eroticism of the material, the clay-induced plasticity and its surface like to that of skin.

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