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Rainbow through night and day



Height (cm): 65

Width (cm): 65

Depth (cm): 12

Material: stoneware and coloured porcelain, gold, the coloured of the rainbow have been put together with a scala of grey colours.

Technique: Stoneware coil have been wrapped with 8 different "blocks" of coloured porcelain. Then cut up into squares of 1x1 cm. Put together in zig zag pattern. Stretched with a polingpin. Then the surface was cut into angles with differences in the hight, then all the angles were assembled. Luster angles will accure and disappear while moving around the piece. Parts of the surface have been glazed with stripes to make the surface vibrate while moving. 1265 °C electric kiln.

Work Status: restituita

My intentions are to activate the surface and shape and hereby create life, depth and movement than enveloe the whole object. I had used a transparent glaze, that while moving around the object creates other patterns that emerges and disappears.

If people feel like touching my pieces and then have a feeling of being sucked into the piece by the details then I think my intention to communicate has succeded.

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